Up DShannon » Houston Manufacturing » Stuff from Texas in Buffalo

email Dave Braun at dave@dbraun99.com (click here)

Sears and PC 60 gal
PC 60 Gal 01
PC 60 Gal 02
PC 60 gal 3
Sears 60 gal 01
Sears 60 gal 2
Huskey 80 gal 02
Huskey 80 gal 01
Huskey 80 gal 03
Sand blast cabinet 01
Sand blast cabinet 02
Sand blast cabinet 04
Sand blast cabinet 03
Sand blast hood
small generators
kerosene heater
miller 250 twin stick welder
Welding accessories
oxy acet torch rig 01
oxy acet torch rig 02
oxy acet torch rig 03
oxy acet torch rig 04
small brakes 01
small brakes 02
flaring tool

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