Up MGB1970 » Restoration » Cruise Control Slideshow

email Dave Braun at dave@dbraun99.com (click here)

The cruise control was supposed to be a restoration project, but I left it until I sorted out other problems and broke in the new engine. I bought the kit from Murphskits.com and couldn't be happier with the remake of the Audio-Vox unit. I followed Mike Barne's write-up, but did a couple of things different, such as wiring in the lighted unit to the instrument lights, and the like. Over all, except for its interface with the OD unit it is perfect. It will definitely aid our long distance trips!

Installing CC switches
CC switch location
Cruise control and vacuum chamber and parts
Dip switches and jumper as recd
jumper removed for manual gearbox and dip switches set
Used the smaller of the two throttle cable fittings
Installing cruise cable 01
Installing cruise cable 02
bent the bracket to better fit the inner wing
holes marked for bracket
Cruise control and vacuum box installed
Brake sense wiring
Coil sense wiring
grease on 1-8 pipe fitting tap for manifold
drilled, tapped and barbed for mainifold vacuum
System installed
System installed with Air cleaners 01
System installed with Air cleaners 02
System installed with Air cleaners 03
Connect the wires inside and its done

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