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Removing rear brake floating spring
LH Rear brake assy
Turned brake drums and arched linings
Left Front Brake Shoes installed
Right front brake shoes installed
  Left Front Backing plate and Swivels ready to install.JPG - Rear veiw of left front backing plate showing the brake pipe and the bleeder screw. The fittings for the bleeder screws are handed and no longer available. Putting the wrong back plate with the wrong steering swivel assembly will cause the steering arm to foul the bleeder fittings.  
Right Front Backing plate and Swivels ready to install 2
Ready for coil spring
Rebuilding brake master cylinder
Brake pedal arrangement
Pedal and pedal shaft

11 | Rear veiw of left front backing plate showing the brake pipe and the bleeder screw. The fittings for the bleeder screws are handed and no longer available. Putting the wrong back plate with the wrong steering swivel assembly will cause the steering arm to foul the bleeder fittings. Download
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